Essential things to do when you bring another baby home

Essential things to do when you have another baby

1. Buy a baby bath. it's safer than leaning over into the house bath and babies feel more secure.  - also apparently now your 6 year old has been 'promoted' to big brother they've got a bit too big for their boots and are now too posh to have a bath with left over baby poo stuck to the side - they're ready for the high life now.

2.  Buy a travel mug. It's difficult going in and out of shops with a pram every time you need a drink & something with a lid helps prevent anything spilling on the baby. Apparently it's also frowned upon to drink wine from the bottle at the school gate so a travel mug helps make it less noticeable

3. Treat yourself to some new nail polish - they say treating yourself after you've given birth will help you to feel good about yourself and boost your confidence. Also apparently if people can't see underneath your finger nails it's harder to tell you haven't had time for a shower in the last ten days.

4. Eat smaller portions - this will enable you to work towards getting your 'pre pregnancy' body back - also apparently your other children will notice if you eat all of their Easter eggs in one go so smaller portions are better. 

5. Buy a waterproof watch - keeping track of time is a great way to making sure you have everything ready each time a feed is due. Also apparently "sorry I'm late, Jeremy Kyle took ages to announce the DNA results of the two sisters who aren't really sisters because their mum slept with someone else on a family holiday to Skegness' doesn't really cut it with your 6 year olds school teacher so it's always best to keep track of time. And if you're going to get a new watch you may as well make it waterproof considering your new moisturiser is a mix of milk, sick and urine. 

6. Keep coffee stocked up - after being up all night with crying baby a cup of coffee will help to wake you up and feel energised to do the school run - also apparently offering the health visitor a glass of wine on her 9.30am visit is 'a cause for concern' so it's probably best you stick to offering coffee

7. Let your older children use the internet - letting your children use the internet is a great way for them to learn new things develop their knowledge on technology - also apparently when you're making a bottle with one hand, holding the baby with the other and trying to change a nappy with your foot, google is great for answering the 'what is 6 X 6 ' question you've been asked 4 times. 

8.  Buy a baby carrier - newborns like to be held close, it encourages the bond between a mother and a baby. Also apparently drinking wine from a glass whilst trying to open the next bottle is much easier to do with two hands free

9. Keep food shopping stocked up - making sure their is plenty of food in the house will save you from a stressful last minute trip to the supermarket with all of your children - also apparently having a lifetime stash of Jammie dodgers will distract your older children from their 'can I play with paint?' And 'can I use permanent marker to practice writing my name  on my bedroom wall' questions whilst your trying to sterilise a bottle, re heat the brew you made 7 hours ago and feed the fish you've spent 6 days forgetting you had 

10. Attend mother and baby groups - connecting yourself with other mothers will give you a chance to have adult interaction stop you feeling isolated in the first few months of having a newborn - also apparently mums love holding other people's newborns so when you accidentally  put too much wine in your coco pops this morning you can relax knowing there are other responsible adults around to hold the baby while you find some cold left over coffee somewhere in the room.

Most of all enjoy it. You won't always have to clean up vomit, live on 2 hours sleep and eat left over beans from the saucepan. I mean for the next 18 years you will but eventually you won't. So sit down, soak it up, relax and remember how lucky you are. PS - relaxing is always easier with a bottle, I mean glass, of wine. 


  1. This is amazing!! Loved reading this, made me giggle at my phone...With a bottle of wine haha X


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